Tuesday, September 27, 2011

banking on students success

Banking Test
Name_______________________________ Date________________________ Please read and answer each question carefully.

Top of Form

Erica invested money into the stock market over the course of ten years, she made $1,000. This is an example of,
  • A loan
  • Interest
  • Savings
  • Banking

Please match each job to the appropriate description.
Bank Teller
Loan officer
Bankruptcy Specialist
Process financial transactions
Prepares legal documents, contacts client and attorneys, and investigates and corrects problems with accounts
Finds potential clients and helps those clients appl for loans

Jessica took out a car loan for $2,000 from the bank and will have to pay it back with interest.
  • True
  • False

Briefly describe what you can do with your savings? Be sure to include; loans, investment, and security.

Briefly describe the relationships between banks and businesses.

Essay: Describe how the bank helps the local community making sure to include local businesses, charities, and your family.

Social Studies Test: Rubric

Student Name:     ________________________________________

4 - Above
3 - Meets
2 - Approaching
1 - Below
Support for
Relevant, telling,
quality details
give the reader
information that
goes beyond the
obvious or
details and
information are
relevant, but one
key issue or
portion of the
storyline is
Supporting details and
information are
relevant, but several
key issues or portions
of the storyline are
details and
information are
typically unclear
or not related to
the topic.
discusses all
three elements
listed in the
discusses two
of three
elements listed
in the question.
Essay discusses one
of three elements
listed in the question.
Essay does not
discuss any of
the elements
The essay is
clear and easily
readable. The
content is clear.
Some aspects
of the essay are
not easily
readable. The
content is
somewhat clear.
Most aspects of the
essay are not
readable. The content
is mostly not clear.
The essay is not
easily readable.
The content is
not clear.
Accuracy of
All supportive
facts are

Almost all
supportive facts
are reported
Most supportive facts
are reported
NO facts are
reported OR
most are

Bottom of Form

Why did we chose these types of questions?

1. I would say that giving a scenario was the perfect option and then allowing the student to decide the right answer from the multiple choice selection. It allowed us to understand if they can make a connection between investment and how that translates into interest. By giving this scenario we were able to see if the student understands what interest is and where you can see interest building.

Distracters- This was a simple task of picking the distracter because this test is based on banking and these specific concepts. They have learned all of these concepts and therefore should be able to differentiate between them when given a scenario.

2. This is a matching question. We chose this because we could assess whether the students knows more than one of the job descriptions. There are many jobs at banks and the student should be able to identify the main ones after this unit. Matching the ob to the job description is a great way to see whether the student has the knowledge of the different jobs that a bank entails.

3. This question is true or false, this question was made to assess whether the students understand that when you borrow money from a back there is repercussions. You will need to pay back the bank with interest. The student should understand what a loan is and the consequences you must face which is interest.

4. To see if students fully understand the concept of savings we had them describe the different actions that you can take regarding your savings. Students were asked to correlate this to investments that they can make and the security that comes with savings. We really wanted to assess a deeper understanding of the students knowledge. Not only do they have to understand what all of these concepts are they must be able to relate them with one another and show they understand more than just the definition.

5. Another short answer question, this allows us to once again assess the deeper understanding that the student have. This question is related to the concept of how banks help businesses. I feel that this question could go either way. We could make this into a multiple choice question, but it would be only show one aspect of how banks help businesses. There are many ways a bank can assist businesses and I feel having the students represent their own ideas will allow us to get a deep understanding of their knowledge.

6. The essay question, how businesses help the local community. Students are a part of the community which makes this a relatable question and also makes it easy for students to give many different responses to the question. We can assess their knowledge and they must have a deep understanding to be able to answer this question. They must be able understand all aspects of the back from loans, security, interest, and savings so that they can address how banks can help them, their family, charities, and local businesses. This is where we may address the gifted student. We may ask them to do some higher order thinking such as write a compare and contrast essay.

Textbook time

Textbooks, workbooks, and teacher edition books are very useful tools in the classroom, but there are soo many textbooks to chose from... how to you know which will hinder learning and which will enhance the students time within the classroom.

Today we looked at all of these materials and rated them in a variety of categories. First and foremost we need to look at the standards.... do these books meet the standards? In our case all of the books met the standards of the grade level. This is crucial because if the books do not meet the standards then what is the use for them in the classroom.

Organization, clarity, usefulness, size, content, multicultural, assessment methods, accuracy, age-appropriate, enjoyable.

These are all essential criteria to look into when figuring out which book is good for you. You want the students to be able to read and understand the book. It shouldnt be overwhelming and of course it should be engaging. If there are just facts and facts upon more facts listed the student will become overwhelmed and most likely not want to engage in the readings. However if the book has real-life and relatable subjects with fun engaging activities then the students will be more apt to learn. The same goes for the teachers edition, in our case the book was a disaster. We would never reccommend this book for anyone, it was confusing, unorganized, unclear, and not enjoyable. We looked at the book and could not figure out whether the lesson was for a 1st grader or a 6th grader, the table of content was all over the place and made it very overwhelming.

The workbook, even though it was outdated was potentially a book we would use in our classroom. It had fun activities for students that were easily assessed by teachers. It had a variety of assessment tools along with a great way to assess prior knowledge along with knowledge gained from the content. The textbook was also great and got a good score. It was clear and very easy for students to read, once again out dated, but we would use it in our classrooms if updated.

hmmmm to assess or not to assess

Assessing is NOT EvALuAtiNg!!

Assessing your students is a great way to understand where they are before during and after an activity. It allows the teacher to also assess their teaching..

Do my students understand what I am teaching??
Is this a good lesson?
Am I teaching the information properly?

It is truly a process of collecting data of the student progress. The teacher collects the data using tools to measure it, Interprets that data, and then makes judgements on it. The process helps the teacher meet the needs of their students and allows them to give feedback.


There are types of assessments..
Diagnostic- this allows you to ask questions an assess whether the student has prior knowledge of t he concepts.  The students can brain storn, create graphic organizers and so much more. It really gives the teacher concrete evidence of this diagnostic information.
Formative- this is the assessment you get throughout the lesson. whether it be a worksheet, discussions, a game. 
Summative assessment which is where you get to assess what the students learned it also provides feedback of how you did with teaching. You can do this by having your student create something... construct something.. its your choice! have fun!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bring some of the past to the future

Ben Franklin back from the dead!!!!

What a special treat for the class when Ben franklin decided to walk in the door. This was a very funny experience and one that gave me a lot of ideas for my own classroom. To me this experience was to show the class of future teachers how we can be creative and imaginative in our own classrooms. Children are not abstract thinkers quite yet, they need concrete things to work with. Bringing in concrete, fun, and exciting things like a real life historical figure into the class can only inspire students to learn and gain knowledge. They can learn so much by asking questions, engaging in coversation, and just seeing the costumes that these figures wore. 

Make the classroom a fun and exciting place to learn and students will gain the knowledge they need for the future! 

"If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write something worth reading or do things worth writing."
This quote has a lot of meaning to me as an educator, first I want all of my students to know they can be anything they dream of. Not to let anything stand in their way and I as an educator must inspire them to do so.

Monday, September 19, 2011

"As we strive to provide students with experience in which they have control of lesson activities, we work to deepen our pedagogical content knowledge. As teachers, we need content knowledge specific to social studies and the general pedagogical knowledge used in teaching all subject areas, such as classroom management skills."

As teachers we should never stop building out pedagogical content knowledge, keeping our minds open to new ideas that come our way can help up build this knowledge and teach our students to the best of our ability. 

As teachers we need to find the best strategies that we can use in our lessons, that the students enjoy. If the students enjoy doing what they are doing they are more apt. to pay attention and retain the knowledge that you are presenting them. However we must know how to plan and assess these particular lessons that the students have such control over which may be a difficult task. With time you can build your PCK and be successful at doing this. 

Helps students construct meaningful learning by helping them relate facts and concepts to explain their world

A meaningful lesson in social studies

Social studies is an umbrella term for categories such as economy, history, government, civics, and geography. At the heart of social studies it enables students to make informed decisions about their world, helps them with relationships with other people, and understand the past to cope with the present and plan for their futures.

"Students should use a variety of sources to get a variety of perspectives."
This is a wonderful idea that i got from the book. I feel as a teacher it represents what I want to provide my students. Also you want to make sure you are making meaningful connections so that you can expand the students perspective.

Be a GREAT teacher and integrate social studies into more then just a social studies lesson. As teachers we face one huge battle TIME!!!!! schools are so driven to teach literacy and math that finding time for social studies is nearly impossible, BE CREATIVE!!! Teaching social studies should be explicit but integrate it where ever possible, being that social studies is integrative by nature.